Quiz Week 2 Makeup Opportunity

One problem I had with the quiz is to find good questions for the introductory chapter. They shouldn't be trivial where it only takes a Google search to find the answer, they need to be related to AI, and they should not assume too much knowledge about AI since this is the very beginning of the class. 

If you're unhappy about your score, you can increase it buy submitting alternative questions for the quiz, together with proposed answers. Here are the guidelines for these questions:
- each question adds up to five points to your exam score; if I need to revise the question or answers, you may get fewer points
- you can submit several questions, but your overall quiz score won't be higher than 100 points
- please formulate the questions as plain text format according to the template below. Multiple-choice are my preferred option, but multiple-answers (where more than one answer is correct), fill-in-the-blank, calculated answers, and several others are also available. I've tried free-form text answers as well, but grading those in Blackboard is really tedious - far worse than the paper equivalent.  

Question Template:

This is a template for a multiple choice question. Which of the following options is the correct or most suitable answer?
[ ] Answer 1 [10%] Why is it incorrect?] 
[ ] Answer 2 [30%] [Why is it incorrect?]
[X] Answer 3  [100%] [Why is it correct?]
[ ] Answer 4 [0%] [Why is it incorrect?]

The two columns in square brackets indicate the amount of (partial) credit, and feedback to the student for the selected answer.

Quiz Week 2 Results

I just checked the results of the Week 2 quiz; see also the data from Blackboard below. With an average of 80, and most students' scores in the 70-90 range, the outcome is well within what I expected. I'm aware that the questions about relative performance of humans vs. computers for certain tasks are somewhat problematic, and may stop using them. I'll check the answers of all the students for the questionable questions, and will adjust some scores accordingly.  

Statistics Quiz Week 2
Count 64
Minimum Value 50.00
Maximum Value 100.00
Range 50.00
Average 80.75
Median 80.00
Standard Deviation 11.42
Variance 130.31

Auto-Step Solution for BotEnvironment

Here’s a solution for the missing Auto-Step behavior in the environment for Lab2; thanks, Alan!

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Author: Alan Phu Truong. To Reply: https://blackboard.calpoly.edu/webapps/discussionboard/do/message?action=rlink&message_id=_422035_1


Instead of using the following to start your environment:
java -classpath .:WumpusEnvironment.jar BotEnvironment.WumpusEnvironment

java -Xint -classpath .:WumpusEnvironment.jar BotEnvironment.WumpusEnvironment

AutoStep seems to work with this flag. Refer to the man page for java if you want to know what this flag does.

Quiz Week 2

This week’s quiz will be available from 9:30 to 10:30 for the first section, and from 4:30 - 5:30 pm for the afternoon section.