Milestone Week 4 Feedback

I’ve posted the feedback for the Week 4 Milestone documents on the TRAC wikis for the respective projects. As with the previous one, quite a few teams have significant gaps in their documentation, and received a low score. You can revise your document, but you need to let me know if you’ve made changes relevant to this milestone.

Feedback on Team Work

Around the midpoint of the quarter, I’d like to check if all the teams are doing well in terms of collaboration and work distribution. Please go to the Team Feedback form for this. The mid-quarter version mostly helps me to determine if there are problems with teams. We’ll do another one at the end of the quarter, and the collective feedback from that one will also affect your team score, albeit to a moderate degree (most students usually get scores around 16-18 out of 20 for this).

Quiz 6, but no Lecture on Thu, Nov. 28

I’ll be out of town on Thursday, so there will be no lecture. I recommend that you use the lab time for team meetings, and work on the labs and assignments. There will be a quiz this week, on the topic “Local Search and Constraint Satisfaction.” Instead of making it available during a fixed time as usual, I may make it available all day, but with a 1 hour time limit.

Lab Week 6 Available

I just published the lab for this week. I changed the topic from “local search methods” to “Games and AI”.