Quiz Week 4

The quiz for this week will be available on Thursday from 9:30 to 10:30 for the first section, and from 4:30 - 5:30 pm for the afternoon section.
It will cover “Uninformed Search Methods,” the material for Week 4; see the
schedule for mappings to the text book and the slides.

Evaluation Teams Assigned

In today’s lab sessions, we assigned an evaluation team for each project. Go to the page with the assignments, look for your team number in the column on the right, and then do the evaluation of the team that is listed on the left. Put the evaluation on the wiki for your own project by creating a new Wiki page called “Evaluations”. An easy way to do this is to put a link to the new page on one of the existing pages via [wiki:Evaluations Evaluations]. From there, you can link to the individual evaluations of the milestones. The deadline for the evaluations is one week after the milestones are due. However, evaluation teams won’t be penalized if documents by the development team are not made available on time.