Quiz 11 Available

This is the last quiz for the 480-F10 class. It is optional, and intended as a make-up opportunity in case you performed less than optimal during one of the earlier ones. The quiz will be available until Tue, Dec. 7, 7:00 pm, and has a time limit of one hour. As with the other quizzes, you may consult the textbook, lecture notes or other relevant material, but not other students or human agents. The use of computer-based agents for help with the answers is only permitted if you developed those agents yourself. 


Consolidated Links to Feedback Forms

I’ve put all the links to the feedback forms for the end of the quarter on one Class Feedback page

Wumpus Environment Questionnaire

If you haven't done so, please provide feedback on the environment to the team of students who will work on an improved version.

Quiz 10 Available

The last quiz (except for the make-up one) is now available on Blackboard, until 11:55 pm tomorrow night. There is a time limit of one hour.
The topic is learning.

Class Feedback Form Available

Google graciously let me use the Google Docs Web site again, so here’s the form for feedback on the class, see https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHJwc2pZaGROaVUtdFBTSWNzM0xtVWc6MA. Participation is voluntary and anonymous, and my intention is to use this information to adjust aspects like class content, the way the content is presented, project topics and organization, guest speakers, etc.

A2 Grades on Blackboard

The grades for A2 for those of you who demonstrated their Wumpus agent to Emily are now available on Blackboard. If you have 14 or less points on A2 it means you did the first part but didn't demo it to Emily. If you want this graded, please re-submit it through Blackboard. It looks like something went wrong with Blackboard’s submission feature - it doesn’t have any submissions for this assignment.

Final Team Presentation Evaluation

Please use the form at https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dGFvcmt1UVdJaWc4MVFkdnUyemEtMkE6MA#gid=0 to give me feedback on the final presentations of the teams. You can either submit multiple individual forms (e.g. each member does his/her own evaluation) for one team being evaluated, or coordinate the evaluation of the team among your team members, and submit only one form.

End of quarter feedback on team work

Similar to the one a few weeks ago, I’m collecting feedback on your team members through the form at https://spreadsheets2.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dGwyc1hDM0RsOFprX081Zlp0WllJSHc6MA#gid=0 . This time, the collective feedback here will also affect your team score, albeit to a moderate degree (most students usually get scores around 16-18 out of 20 for this).

Class Participation Questionnaire

Please go to the Web form at https://spreadsheets1.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHBKN3RpYUw5S3NUMVFDQmhOV1Z5d1E6MA to give me information on your participation in activities related to this class. This is mostly about lecture, labs, and Blackboard, but you can also mention other relevant ones like guest lectures. I may use this information to adjust my score for the class participation.

480 Grading Update - AI Nuggets, Quizzes, Project

I’ve done more grading of the AI Nugget presentations, and I believe the scores should be up to date now. Of course there are still a few presentations to be done ...
There are still some issues with quizzes that I need do look into; they are in my queue.

The project scores are up to date until Week 6 for most teams, and I’ll look at the Week 8 documents on Wednesday.

Robocode AdvancedRobot

I had a quick look at the robocode.AdvancedRobot class, and it's fine to use it. It " ... allows non-blocking calls, custom events, and writes to the filesystem." In general, you need to write your own AI component of the bot. Of course you can look at strategies others have used, but you should not use other people's code. 

Lab 9 Available: Decision Tree Learning

I’ve just published the lab for this week.

Quiz Week 9

This week’s quiz will be available as usual during the first hour of the lab section. The topic is predicate logic.

Lab 7 Scores on Blackboard

I just uploaded the scores for Lab 7. Some of the configurations you came up with were quite interesting!

Final Exam/Quiz

As I indicated at the beginning of the quarter, we’re doing weekly quizzes instead of midterm and final exams. Since there should be some final exam activity during finals week, we’ll do a final quiz, which you can use to replace the score on another quiz you may have missed or not done so well in. So in total, there will be eleven quizzes, and only the ten highest scores will be counted. This quiz will be cumulative, covering all the topics discussed throughout the quarter.

Final Project Presentations on Nov. 30, Dec. 2

During the last week of the quarter, we’ll do the final presentations for the projects. There are seven teams in each section, and we have four slots (Tue lecture + lab, Thu lecture + lab). We can do two to three teams per slot, leaving some time for the A3 competition, and maybe even some discussion or lecture about ethical and social issues, or the future of AI.
Please discuss your presentation preferences with your team mates so that we can put together the schedule for the final presentations this week on Thursday, or at the latest next week on Tuesday. This is especially important if for some reason your team has strong preferences or a need for a particular slot (e.g. lab over lecture).

A3 Deadline Changed to Nov 30

Since the number of projects we have is not too large, we should have some time left for the A3 competitions (mostly Robocode) during the last week of the quarter. So I pushed back the deadline to Tue, Nov. 30.

Project Week 6, AI Nugget Scores on Blackboard

I’ve updated Blackboard with the scores for the Week 6 Milestones and the AI Nugget presentations.

Milestone Week 6 Feedback

The feedback for the Week 6 Milestone documents is now on the TRAC wikis for the respective projects. The scope, as with the previous ones, ranges from non-existent to excellent. You can revise your document, but you need to let me know if you’ve made changes relevant to this milestone.

Quiz Week 8

Due to the holiday on Thursday, Nov. 11, the quiz is available today, and will remain open over the weekend, until the end of day Sunday. One restriction that remains is the one hour limit. The topic is Reasoning and Logic (including propositional logic, but not predicate logic).

Lab Week 8 Available: Agents and Reasoning

The lab for this week is now available.

Wumpus World Source Code

Since I’ve made the source code available on an informal basis, I’ve put it on the Blackboard “Course Material” section under “A2: Reasoning in the Wumpus World”.

Quiz Week 7

The quiz for this week will be available on Thursday from 9:30 to 10:30 for the first section, and from 4:30 - 5:30 pm for the afternoon section.
It will cover “Games”; see the
schedule for mappings to the text book and the slides.

Lab Week 7 Available: Hexagonal Wumpus World Exploration

The lab for this week is now available.

Project Evaluation Templates

I did some re-arranging of the project description, and it looks like the connection to what I expect in the milestone documents has been washed out quite a bit. My goal was to move away from a tightly synchronized schedule for all teams to a more flexible one where each team could move around certain parts of their documentation according to their needs. I'm still planning to do this, but I'll revise the project description material. For now, I've put the evaluation forms that I'll be using for the rest of the milestones (Weeks 6, 8, 10)on my Web page at http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~fkurfess/Courses/480/F10/Project/ . Feel free to use these as a guideline for your documentation. 

A2 Deadline pushed back to Tue, Nov. 9

Since we're about a week behind with the lecture schedule, there's only a very short time for you to do the Wumpus World assignment after we discussed the respective material in class. So I'm pushing back the deadline for A2 from Thu, Nov. 4, to Tue, Nov. 9. 

Milestone Week 4 Feedback

I’ve posted the feedback for the Week 4 Milestone documents on the TRAC wikis for the respective projects. As with the previous one, quite a few teams have significant gaps in their documentation, and received a low score. You can revise your document, but you need to let me know if you’ve made changes relevant to this milestone.

Feedback on Team Work

Around the midpoint of the quarter, I’d like to check if all the teams are doing well in terms of collaboration and work distribution. Please go to the Team Feedback form for this. The mid-quarter version mostly helps me to determine if there are problems with teams. We’ll do another one at the end of the quarter, and the collective feedback from that one will also affect your team score, albeit to a moderate degree (most students usually get scores around 16-18 out of 20 for this).

Quiz 6, but no Lecture on Thu, Nov. 28

I’ll be out of town on Thursday, so there will be no lecture. I recommend that you use the lab time for team meetings, and work on the labs and assignments. There will be a quiz this week, on the topic “Local Search and Constraint Satisfaction.” Instead of making it available during a fixed time as usual, I may make it available all day, but with a 1 hour time limit.

Lab Week 6 Available

I just published the lab for this week. I changed the topic from “local search methods” to “Games and AI”.

A1 Web Form Submission Cancelled

I didn’t get around to prepare the Web form for the A* assignment. So it’s not necessary for you to submit this. I may collect some related information later (e.g. perceived difficulty and usefulness, and the time you spent), but this won’t be part of the score.

Quiz Week 5

The quiz for this week will be available on Thursday from 9:30 to 10:30 for the first section, and from 4:30 - 5:30 pm for the afternoon section.
It will cover “Informed Search Methods”; see the
schedule for mappings to the text book and the slides. The topic “Local Search and Constraint Satisfaction will be on next week’s quiz.

Lab 5 Available

The lab for Week 5 is now available.

Grades for Project Week 2, AI Nuggets on Blackboard

I’ve uploaded the grades for the Project Week 2 Milestones, and the partial AI Nugget grades. Many of you don’t have their AI Nugget abstract on the Blackboard wiki (or only a blank placeholder page). In that case your score will be very low, somewhere in the low single digits. For those who have already given their presentation, your score should be higher than 80. If not, something is missing, most likely the copy of the presentation material. Please post this on the Blackboard wiki and let me know if you want me to re-evaluate your score.

Milestone Week 2 Feedback Posted

I’ve posted the feedback for the Week 2 Milestone documents on the TRAC wikis for the respective projects. I’ve added a PDF file as an attachment to the Milestone Week 2 document (or whichever document contains the respective information). Most teams should revise their documents, but the fixes shouldn’t be too difficult to do. Please let me know if you want me to re-evaluate your document, and point out the main changes you’ve made. Of course we can also discuss this during the lab time.

Lab 4 Submission Form Corrected

The submission form for Lab 4 (AI Characters) contained a few copy and paste errors; they are fixed now. My intention was to ask similar questions as for the chatbot lab at the beginning of the quarter. It looks like I got interrupted when I made the revisions, and forgot to complete them ...
If you’ve already submitted the answers, that’s fine - no need to resubmit them.

Quiz Week 4

The quiz for this week will be available on Thursday from 9:30 to 10:30 for the first section, and from 4:30 - 5:30 pm for the afternoon section.
It will cover “Uninformed Search Methods,” the material for Week 4; see the
schedule for mappings to the text book and the slides.

Evaluation Teams Assigned

In today’s lab sessions, we assigned an evaluation team for each project. Go to the page with the assignments, look for your team number in the column on the right, and then do the evaluation of the team that is listed on the left. Put the evaluation on the wiki for your own project by creating a new Wiki page called “Evaluations”. An easy way to do this is to put a link to the new page on one of the existing pages via [wiki:Evaluations Evaluations]. From there, you can link to the individual evaluations of the milestones. The deadline for the evaluations is one week after the milestones are due. However, evaluation teams won’t be penalized if documents by the development team are not made available on time.

Quiz Week 3

The week 3 quiz will be available on Thursday from 9:30 to 10:30 for the first section, and from 4:30 - 5:30 pm for the afternoon section.
It will cover “Intelligent Agents,” the material for Week 2; see the
schedule for mappings to the text book and the slides.

AI Nuggets Signup

If you already have an idea for your AI Nugget presentation, sign up for a date on the Blackboard “AI Wiki”. After today, I’ll let those students that don’t have a topic yet sign up as well, and my guess is that the more desirable slots will go very quickly then.

A 1 Available

I’ve made the first assignment available; it is a continuation of the lab with the search algorithms, expanding it to the uniform-cost, greedy, and A* algorithms. Still missing is the link to the Google Web form, I’ll add that soon.

Quiz Week 2 Makeup Opportunity

One problem I had with the quiz is to find good questions for the introductory chapter. They shouldn't be trivial where it only takes a Google search to find the answer, they need to be related to AI, and they should not assume too much knowledge about AI since this is the very beginning of the class. 

If you're unhappy about your score, you can increase it buy submitting alternative questions for the quiz, together with proposed answers. Here are the guidelines for these questions:
- each question adds up to five points to your exam score; if I need to revise the question or answers, you may get fewer points
- you can submit several questions, but your overall quiz score won't be higher than 100 points
- please formulate the questions as plain text format according to the template below. Multiple-choice are my preferred option, but multiple-answers (where more than one answer is correct), fill-in-the-blank, calculated answers, and several others are also available. I've tried free-form text answers as well, but grading those in Blackboard is really tedious - far worse than the paper equivalent.  

Question Template:

This is a template for a multiple choice question. Which of the following options is the correct or most suitable answer?
[ ] Answer 1 [10%] Why is it incorrect?] 
[ ] Answer 2 [30%] [Why is it incorrect?]
[X] Answer 3  [100%] [Why is it correct?]
[ ] Answer 4 [0%] [Why is it incorrect?]

The two columns in square brackets indicate the amount of (partial) credit, and feedback to the student for the selected answer.

Quiz Week 2 Results

I just checked the results of the Week 2 quiz; see also the data from Blackboard below. With an average of 80, and most students' scores in the 70-90 range, the outcome is well within what I expected. I'm aware that the questions about relative performance of humans vs. computers for certain tasks are somewhat problematic, and may stop using them. I'll check the answers of all the students for the questionable questions, and will adjust some scores accordingly.  

Statistics Quiz Week 2
Count 64
Minimum Value 50.00
Maximum Value 100.00
Range 50.00
Average 80.75
Median 80.00
Standard Deviation 11.42
Variance 130.31

Auto-Step Solution for BotEnvironment

Here’s a solution for the missing Auto-Step behavior in the environment for Lab2; thanks, Alan!

If you want to be updated about postings to the Blackboard Discussion forum, click on the forum title, and then on the “Subscribe” button at the top. Subscriptions can be enabled or disabled for a specific forum, so not all of them will have the “Subscribe” button.

Author: Alan Phu Truong. To Reply: https://blackboard.calpoly.edu/webapps/discussionboard/do/message?action=rlink&message_id=_422035_1


Instead of using the following to start your environment:
java -classpath .:WumpusEnvironment.jar BotEnvironment.WumpusEnvironment

java -Xint -classpath .:WumpusEnvironment.jar BotEnvironment.WumpusEnvironment

AutoStep seems to work with this flag. Refer to the man page for java if you want to know what this flag does.

Quiz Week 2

This week’s quiz will be available from 9:30 to 10:30 for the first section, and from 4:30 - 5:30 pm for the afternoon section.

AI Nuggets Presentations

If you have a topic for your AI Nugget presentation, you can sign up for it on Blackboard. Go to the “AI Wiki”, and follow the link to the presentation schedule for your section. Instructions are on the Wiki. I will publish the Web pages with more information on the AI Nuggets task soon. If your looking for topic ideas, try my collection of Web snippets in the AI Nuggets Evernote Notebook. You may also find some ideas at a related notebook, KM Nuggets, with an emphasis on knowledge management.

Slides Week 1 Available

You can download the slides for Week 1 now, either through the schedule by clicking on the link for the topic, or by going to the directory http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~fkurfess/Courses/480/F10/Slides/. The latter is preferable if you want the Keynote version instead of a .ppt file. You can also find last year’s version of the slides for the other chapters. Most likely I’ll make minor changes before I use them in class, but the overall arrangement for a chapter will not change too much.

Blackboard Access Set Up

I had my quarterly wrestling match with Blackboard, and it should be available now. We'll use it for the submission of assignments (there's a menu entry "Assignment Submission") and possibly some of the labs, and for the  AI Nugget presentation (under “AI Wiki”). If you already have a topic, pick a date, and enter your name and topic in the table with the presentation schedule. You'll also add a Wiki page there with your topic proposal, and later the draft and final versions of your presentation material.
Please note that the Wiki and the Discussion Board are part of a different, permanent course ( CSC-0480 ALL RELATED COURSES (CSC-0480-FKURFESS)), and linked to the 480 menu entry. I’ve copied the enrollment to that course, so it will appear in your list of Blackboard courses as well. Depending on how you navigate, you may also see the menu for that course, which has a greenish background. This linking business should be mostly invisible to you, however.

Draft Project Template Available

The first version of the project template is available now. Please use it as a blueprint for the project Wiki in your team.

Class News as RSS Feed

If you want to, you can follow theses class updates through an RSS feed. Since this is unlikely to be of interest to anybody outside this class, I’m not planning on making it available through one of the popular RSS channels. Let me know if you think that there would be any benefits in doing so.