Lab 9 Available: Decision Tree Learning

I’ve just published the lab for this week.

Quiz Week 9

This week’s quiz will be available as usual during the first hour of the lab section. The topic is predicate logic.

Lab 7 Scores on Blackboard

I just uploaded the scores for Lab 7. Some of the configurations you came up with were quite interesting!

Final Exam/Quiz

As I indicated at the beginning of the quarter, we’re doing weekly quizzes instead of midterm and final exams. Since there should be some final exam activity during finals week, we’ll do a final quiz, which you can use to replace the score on another quiz you may have missed or not done so well in. So in total, there will be eleven quizzes, and only the ten highest scores will be counted. This quiz will be cumulative, covering all the topics discussed throughout the quarter.

Final Project Presentations on Nov. 30, Dec. 2

During the last week of the quarter, we’ll do the final presentations for the projects. There are seven teams in each section, and we have four slots (Tue lecture + lab, Thu lecture + lab). We can do two to three teams per slot, leaving some time for the A3 competition, and maybe even some discussion or lecture about ethical and social issues, or the future of AI.
Please discuss your presentation preferences with your team mates so that we can put together the schedule for the final presentations this week on Thursday, or at the latest next week on Tuesday. This is especially important if for some reason your team has strong preferences or a need for a particular slot (e.g. lab over lecture).

A3 Deadline Changed to Nov 30

Since the number of projects we have is not too large, we should have some time left for the A3 competitions (mostly Robocode) during the last week of the quarter. So I pushed back the deadline to Tue, Nov. 30.

Project Week 6, AI Nugget Scores on Blackboard

I’ve updated Blackboard with the scores for the Week 6 Milestones and the AI Nugget presentations.