Class Participation Questionnaire

Please go to the Web form at to give me information on your participation in activities related to this class. This is mostly about lecture, labs, and Blackboard, but you can also mention other relevant ones like guest lectures. I may use this information to adjust my score for the class participation.

Lab 9 Available: Decision Tree Learning

I’ve just published the lab for this week.

Lab 7 Scores on Blackboard

I just uploaded the scores for Lab 7. Some of the configurations you came up with were quite interesting!

Lab Week 8 Available: Agents and Reasoning

The lab for this week is now available.

Lab Week 7 Available: Hexagonal Wumpus World Exploration

The lab for this week is now available.

Quiz 6, but no Lecture on Thu, Nov. 28

I’ll be out of town on Thursday, so there will be no lecture. I recommend that you use the lab time for team meetings, and work on the labs and assignments. There will be a quiz this week, on the topic “Local Search and Constraint Satisfaction.” Instead of making it available during a fixed time as usual, I may make it available all day, but with a 1 hour time limit.

Lab Week 6 Available

I just published the lab for this week. I changed the topic from “local search methods” to “Games and AI”.

Lab 5 Available

The lab for Week 5 is now available.

Milestone Week 2 Feedback Posted

I’ve posted the feedback for the Week 2 Milestone documents on the TRAC wikis for the respective projects. I’ve added a PDF file as an attachment to the Milestone Week 2 document (or whichever document contains the respective information). Most teams should revise their documents, but the fixes shouldn’t be too difficult to do. Please let me know if you want me to re-evaluate your document, and point out the main changes you’ve made. Of course we can also discuss this during the lab time.

Lab 4 Submission Form Corrected

The submission form for Lab 4 (AI Characters) contained a few copy and paste errors; they are fixed now. My intention was to ask similar questions as for the chatbot lab at the beginning of the quarter. It looks like I got interrupted when I made the revisions, and forgot to complete them ...
If you’ve already submitted the answers, that’s fine - no need to resubmit them.

Auto-Step Solution for BotEnvironment

Here’s a solution for the missing Auto-Step behavior in the environment for Lab2; thanks, Alan!

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Author: Alan Phu Truong. To Reply:


Instead of using the following to start your environment:
java -classpath .:WumpusEnvironment.jar BotEnvironment.WumpusEnvironment

java -Xint -classpath .:WumpusEnvironment.jar BotEnvironment.WumpusEnvironment

AutoStep seems to work with this flag. Refer to the man page for java if you want to know what this flag does.